Where to Find Replays of QHS Zoom Calls

Q&A, Volunteer, Waves of Wellness, WoW Can Cook, WoW Can Breathe, Qi Quest, Qi HHS Meditation, GodSpark Nation

Kelly, QHS Admin, Member Support Manager

Last Update 2 เดือนที่แล้ว

Updated 8/9/2024

Weekly Live Zoom Calls feature the ADMIN Panel (shown) and Members. 

Volunteer Zooms focus on, “Who do you know?” A theme that has launched this most important QHS Project from a small group of 5 to the now robust 50 ADMIN Team Members. Every one of them is presently supporting this QHS Project with all great intentions, talent and promise, and most starting as a VOLUNTEER!

Q&A Zooms are another with the live ADMIN Panel, led by Cynthia/Carden, president and founder, and frequently joined Dr. Alfredo, the original inventor and chief technology officer. Wade, our manufacturer, often joins in this Call. This important call is where Members are able to ask their burning questions of the A-Team and receive answers directly from the Leadership Team.

GodSpark Nation calls provide a safe space for QHS Members to share their QTWAVE® device experiences in a private, secure setting, adding to our Proof-of-Concept accumulation of results. It's our favorite FUN way of collecting QTWave® results for our research.  Topics are delivered in an upbeat and informative style, and each meeting ends with a special theme-related activity. The meetings are also filled with inspiring songs, spontaneous joy, and intimate sharing.  You are welcome! We encourage you to engage with the QHS community. We have evolved into a Family of Friends seeking fellowship and support in sharing how FREQUENCY IS EVERYTHING!

Waves of Wellness (WOW)  If you are carrying the QTWave device and are experiencing a desire to Shift to a Healthier You, this Zoom meeting is for you! New Thoughts, New Ideas, New Energy, New Vision of Health, and the possibility of a New Direction in Life result. Life is about taking one step after another toward a GOAL. Coach Tracee and Dr. Gloria are leading the way!

WoW Can Cook  Dr. Gloria is all set to bring the sizzle to Monday afternoons with her fantastic anti-inflammatory cooking sessions for QHS members. With her years of experience, she's mastered the art of creating delicious dishes without the unwanted side effects of typical food triggers. Join in to watch the magic happen or roll up your sleeves and cook alongside others, discovering Dr. Gloria's special techniques and clever tips. It's going to be a flavorful journey to better health and wellness - don't miss it!

WoW Can Breathe  Join Admin Christine and Kyera's energizing and enlightening breathing class on Friday afternoons for a fun and informative experience! Discover how to use your breath to banish stress, alleviate pain, and release tension. With focused breathing, you can take control of your body. Kyera will show you how to transform your life using these incredible high-vibe techniques. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Qi Quest  The Quantum You is empowered to create a new YOU with every thought, word, and deed.  The Quantum You is a delight to see, and to spend time with.  The Quantum You is a You-in-Development, with minute-by-minute Vision, Intention, and Action, activated and brought to reality in every Qi Quest Call!  This is an interactive Live Group Event with Qi Companions, Members, and Team Leaders, practicing the Qi Principles. 

Qi HHS Meditation  

The QHS Project’s Qi focused meditation increases and expands the Quantum Twine Wave Effect for every live participant and with every additional QTWave and QTW-HHS connection.  The powerful QTW-HHS is anchoring these more powerful Quantum Twine Waves in the QTWave devices present and sharing in the live Zoom Call, enhancing the focused effect and carrying forward after the meditation for the benefit of the participant.

From Your Web browser

  1. After you Log in to your QHS account
  2. From the top menu, select "Community Resources

From the Events Replays screen:

• The EVENT Zoom is displayed in the order of most recently recorded.

o For example, the Q&A call was recorded most recently so it is displayed first. 

4. Click ‘View Replay’ button to watch the recorded Zoom call.

• You may watch any video replay that is listed in this section.

From the phone/tablet APPLICATION:

1. Go to ‘Dashboard’ (Home Screen).

2. Click on the ‘hamburger’ menu – the three lines at the top.

3. Click on ‘Community Resources’ from the expanded ‘hamburger’ menu.

4. Click on ‘Event Replays’.

5. Click on ‘View Replay’.

WoW Can Breathe, Qi Quest, Qi HHS Meditation Calls

The replays for these are on YouTube. Links can be found below


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