How Do I join the Qi HHS Zoom Meditation?
Last Update 16 hari yang lalu
Qi HHS Meditation
Please join us on this call and share any comments you have about your experience in the HHS Meditation, at the end of the session. You do not need to have your camera on for the call, if you don't wish to.
To join the Qi HHS Meditation Zoom calls, you need access to a zoom account on your device. You can get a free zoom account from . Zoom can be run from the internet browser or it can be downloaded to your device if you wish. Make sure that your name showing on the screen is first name and last Initial. ie. Linda T
Once you have done this:
1. Log into your QHS account
2. Click on ‘QHS Projects’ from the menu bar.
3. Click ‘Qi Project’ from the drop down menu.
4. Scroll down until you see the 'HHS Meditation' button and click this.
5. Scroll down until you see 'Click here for the live meditation link' Click on this button. It is on the left. Notice on the right there is another button 'Click here to find the time for your zone' Above this is a US time table for session times which will help you work out the time in your zone if you are not in the US.
6. Scroll down until you see 'Qi HHS Meditation'. Click on the blue button 'Click Here to Join'
Please use this world clock converter link below to assist you with joining calls from your time zone
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