Cancel Membership & Refund Policy

Sherri - Finance, Lead Support

Last Update il y a un mois

Updated 6/20/24

Do not stop payment or request a refund from your credit card provider. When you do this, the refund takes up to 60 days. If you would like a refund, please follow the instructions below. 

When you cancel your membership from Divine Scripture Annual Membership, this also ends all participation in QHS Project trial studies. We understand that proof-of-concept studies are not for everyone, and we are sorry to see you go. 

Before canceling, please realize that effective immediately:    

  • Your QHS membership is canceled.
  • Your participation in all QHS Projects will end.
  • You will not receive any information on future QHS products.
  • Your name gets removed from the list to attend the QArc.
  • You are removed from QHS Telegram discussions.
  • Be mindful of Refund Policy 2.1 and 2.2 

Refund Policy

2.1 72-hour Membership Subscription Fee Refund Policy
When a Member registers, each Membership Subscription Fee is held for 72 hours to give the Member time to do a full review of the QHS Policy and Procedures.

Within 72 hours, there is a refund option for the Membership Subscription Fee if a Member decides this QHS Project trial study is not for them. You can choose to cancel for any reason within this 72-hour period.

  • To request a refund within 72 hours of registering, email QHS at and request cancellation.
  • OR you can cancel your membership from your SETTINGS page at
  • A refund will be initiated if your request is made within the 72-hour refund policy.

After 72 hours, if you have not requested to cancel your membership, your Membership Subscription Fee is allocated toward continued research, development, and production. If you request to cancel your subscription after 72 hours, your payment is non-refundable. No refund if you cancel after 72 hours.

2.2 Donation Policy
We do not reverse donations.

Members' Donations are used immediately for Research and Development, in designing, testing, and improving the Quantum Twine Wave Effect products and technologies. Therefore, we do not reverse donations.

“We reserve the right to refuse any refunds. The Terms and Conditions clearly explain this is a nonprofit and refunds are not easily managed.”

To cancel your membership:

Option 1: 

From your QHS Dashboard

  1. Click on  "Settings"
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Looking to Cancel Your Membership?"

3. Once you hit "Submit" your membership is canceled and Billing is notified.

4. Billing will send you an email to confirm that you do want to cancel your membership. 

  • If your request is within 72 hours from the time you registered, you will get a refund of your membership fee.
  • If your request is after 72 hours from the time you registered, you do not get a refund of your membership fee. (Refund Policy 2.1)

1. Send an email to . In the Subject line type: Cancel Membership.

  • If your request is within 72 hours from the time you registered, you will get a refund of your membership fee. 
  • If your request is after 72 hours from the time you registered, you do not get a refund of your membership fee.  (Refund Policy 2.1)

Refund Policy

2.1 72-hour Membership Subscription Fee Refund Policy
When a Member registers, each Membership Subscription Fee is held for 72 hours to give the Member time to do a full review of the QHS Policy and Procedures.

Within 72 hours, there is a refund option for the Membership Subscription Fee if a Member decides this QHS Project trial study is not for them. You can choose to cancel for any reason within these 72 hours.

  • To request a refund within 72 hours of registering, email QHS at and request cancellation.
  • OR you can cancel your membership from your SETTINGS page at
  • A refund will be initiated if your request is made within the 72-hour refund policy.

After 72 hours, if you have not requested to cancel your membership, your Membership Subscription Fee is allocated toward continued research, development, and production. If you request to cancel your subscription after 72 hours, your payment is non-refundable. No refund if you cancel after 72 hours.

2.2 Donation Policy
We do not reverse donations.

Members' Donations are used immediately for Research and Development, in designing, testing, and improving the Quantum Twine Wave Effect products and technologies. Therefore, we do not reverse donations.

“We reserve the right to refuse any refunds. The Terms and Conditions clearly explain this is a nonprofit and refunds are not easily managed.”

Please don't harm this most important QHS Project in your haste for a refund. You might have been under the impression that your Annual Membership Subscription Fee is a “payment” for a “handheld device", such as the QTWave. It is not. The QTWave is only being presently provided to QHS Members for participation in an ongoing Proof-of-Concept study. Additional devices are obtained through donations only.

Do not request a refund from your credit card provider. There is no obligation for refunds for Donations or Membership.

If there are any questions regarding this policy, please reach out to  Attn: Billing

Before you take this drastic step to cancel your membership, please read about what you will be missing.


Over the past 2 years this brave group of entrepreneurs have led the drive to validate that FREQUENCY IS EVERYTHING.

  • QTWave: Is in a qualified PRODUCTION GRADE state, vs PROTOTYPE Beta Test.  
With the new version 6++ QTWave introduced, we are surprising the world with results. Version 6++ is more than 60 iterations and now . The QTWave has been improving and improving and is just the tip of the iceberg for Quantum Twine Wave Effect technologies that are presently in development.

Upcoming Projects: 

Quantum Twine Wave Home Healing System: QTW-HHS, is completing a 5th round of testing. 

•  Quantum Healing Systems Home Replicators:  QHS Members will be among the first to receive the new QHR “kitchen appliance” that uses frequencies to create edible foods and drinks. Members will demonstrate and share how to program the creation of edible food and drink, and how the food tastes. This is one of the most exciting QHS Projects because it will prove without a  doubt, that FREQUENCY IS EVERYTHING.

QArc: Has been put on hold until we are able to bring this to the world. In the meantime, we are doing all that is possible to demonstrate the many ways FREQUENCIES can create Shift in Every Way and preparing for this eventual QArc Project to launch.

Future Projects: There are several new technologies involving frequency, that will be announced and shared in 2024. If you are someone who believes that the FUTURE IS HERE NOW, these are NOT TO BE MISSED.

Your Divine Scripture Private Membership provides:

  • Access the Member-only Website to learn about the revolutionary Quantum Twine Wave Effect®, the Quantum Healing System theory, our proof-of-concept studies, the QTWave Device, future products, and connect with other like-minded people.
  • At present all Members have the opportunity to learn about and receive the newest technology in Study Trials: the QTWave device, Home Healing System-HHR, Quantum Home Replicator-QHR, Touch, and more.
  • Access to live and archived Zooms calls: Q&A Volunteer Vibe Tribe, International Twine, and Waves of Wellness Calls.
  • Participate in and access all current and archived BLOG and VLOG posts.
  • Access QHS private Telegram channel where the QHS community interact.
  • Opportunities to volunteer and be an active participating member in QHS PROJECTS.  This is by far the most important opportunity for Members today. 
  • To be among the First in the World to see, touch and feel FREQUENCIES, is priceless. To be among the few who carry this technology forward throughout the world is the highest honor.

These benefits are only available for QHS Project participating Members.  Stick around to see how history is written with your help and the help of the few thousand active QHS Project participants. It’s going to be FUN.

Thank you for your Heart for Others.

Thank you for BEing here NOW.

Cynthia Carden, and the entire beautiful Admin Team thank you!

© 2024 Divine Scripture

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