Is there any information about the new QTWave V9 trial?
Last Update 16 天前
The new QTWave is the “V9,” and it’s A M A Z I N G!
Everyone on this planet needs this new device. “It heals from head to toe, starting from the inside out.” In a call with Dr. Alfredo yesterday, he shared the program enhancements in his new program, representing a miracle in a 3.5’ x 2” x 0.5” device. This V9 Trial Study brings a new software program at the optimum Hz to heal DNA from the inside out—with lasting results. Trial Study recipients will verify the speed and efficacy of this new QTWave!
We have updated the Survey to include checkboxes for diseases and disorders that affect specific body systems. If you qualify for one of these trials and have the V9, we invite you to participate by completing the newly updated Survey.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The new V9 will bring a new program that targets the DNA to heal. The Quantum Twine Wave Effect is focused with 3 TIMES THE STRENGTH of the earlier V6 version. It is much more powerful, and with the new twining, the new Very Low-Frequency tunnel carrier (to be demonstrated in an animated video), this Quantum Twine Wave Effect is heading right for DNA correction. “Healing from the inside out.” Whatever is going on will be immediately and permanently corrected. When your body’s cells, at the very start – the very most basic level, send and receive instructions, the same as a healthy young person, there will be immediate change! This is revolutionary.
There has never been a time like this in history. You stand at the threshold of GREAT CHANGE, and you are the QI! We here at QHS ADMIN thank you for your commitment to this beautiful QHS Project and this ADMIN TEAM. YOU will carry this message to the world! Healing is possible! Complete Freedom from health challenges is possible! There is no reason to be ill; no illness will ever touch you again! You made this possible!!! If you feel the excitement, that’s important. This message is the most important ever.
We hope you appreciate the dedication and sacrifice it has taken to bring this technology to the world. It hasn’t been easy and will continue to be difficult until we have supportive governments that are not in the pockets of lobbyists. We pray that this changes fast! We pray that you recognize and validate this message of 100% improvement 100% of the time.
The V9 is available to Members joining now. Please share with your loved ones.
The DEADLINE TO JOIN IS 10/04/2024.
Please contact Kelly in support to request being added to a specific medical trial study by October 4th.
For more information on the QTWave V9 Trial please see the video below
Please see the video below on 'How to Participate in the V9 study'
Below is the Time table for the V9 Trial Zoom Calls, according to medical condition. Please go to the Dashboard in your QHS account to find the link for the particular targeted group, that you have selected.
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