How to Return My QTWave for Repair/Replacement

Update 6/27/24

The QTWave devices are a Proof-of-Concept Trial Study and not delivered like typical retail, ordered-off-the-shelf product. These devices are hand assembled, and constant changes are taking place as we evolve. Dr. Alfredo works closely with Wade and his Team, managing the balance of Quantum Twine Waves to travel unimpeded to manage what is needed. Throughout the past 2 years of development this device has transformed 8 times. This evolution will continue with a goal to correct 100% of ailments for each party wearing the device, 100% of the time. And we will reach this goal with your help.

If you suspect your QTWave of not working because you don't feel anything, this is not the case. If the light is working, your QTWave is working. If you turn it on and get a solid light, it is working. This is the only indicator to measure. That you don't feel the "frequency" is like saying you don't feel light. You can feel extreme heat from light, but it's not happening with this QTWave. The Quantum Twine Waves are invisible and subtle. Some that are practiced in feeling energy are able to pick up the vibration. Especially when first turning it on, or powering the device.

Your device may be malfunctioning if:

• No light is showing on your QTWave device in the ON position (setting closest to charging port)

• No light is showing on your QTWave device in the ON position when charging (setting closest to charging port)

• The light does not blink when in DARK MODE when charging (the middle setting)

To submit a return request, please follow the instructions below. Return devices are given priority and will be checked and repaired if possible, or a new QTWave returned to you.

Thank you for participating in this most important QHS Project.


• A device that stops working within 120 days of the delivery date, can be repaired/replaced.

• If your device stops working because it was mishandled (gets wet or was dropped and breaks) it is not eligible for warranty replacement.

1. Log into your account 

2. Click on ‘Dashboard’ if you are not automatically taken there.

3. Click on ‘My Devices

4. Scroll down to “Your Devices

5. Click on ‘Manage Device’ for the device you need to return.

6. Scroll down to ‘Other Options’.

7. Click on ‘Return’ .

  • NOTE: The return link is only visible for devices that have been registered to the member.  

8. Complete the ‘Why are you returning the device?’ section.

9. Click the box if it is a black QTWave you need to return. 

10. Click ‘Submit

11. Processing will review your request and email you with instructions upon approval of the request.

Video instructions for website version

Video instructions for Mobile App version

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